Thursday, July 27, 2006

Melee's First Blog Entry

I don't want to blog. I hate blogging. Stop it. Don't write that.
I don't want to write. Stop and I'm serious.

*Although he tried very hard not to laugh, it deteriorates into crying and fit throwing, resulting in his mother calling an end to GameCube for the rest of the day and ordering all children outside.


the lizness said...

I think this is the kind of blog post I would have if I forced my husband to blog heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

"Get off of the computer Mom!" Sigh.

I love it when the four year old climbs into my lap. Pining my typing arm to my body and refusing to move until I give her my compete and undivided attention.

On second thought, I may need to join a support group or something. This is way to much fun and must be addictive.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

That's it. Start 'em off young keep 'em at it. They'll be blogstars before you know it!

Bonnie B said...

I'm glad you blogged. I loved reading it. Keep it up. Write it all down. I'll come back and read it again. Don't stop. I'm serious

I hear ya onetallmomma-- my four-year-old climbs onto my la too. My two yearold grabs ahold of my leg or just turns off the computer