Thursday, July 27, 2006

John's First Blog Entry

I like riding my motorcycle. I want Dad to come home so he can take me to the motorcycle track. The weather is rainy and I'm stuffed in the house, bored. Our Grandmother is here and that helps. She's the Queen of Clean. I'm not ready for school to start. We went to the book store and bought some books, which I've been reading in my spare time. (which I have a lot of) I'm reading Narnia right now. It's five o'clock and I'm thinking about going to the pool, but it will probably be too hot and no one will be there. I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. And that's about it.



Anonymous said... 11 year olds middle name.

I loved the Narnia series when I was his age. It is what turned me on to reading. If he can handle Aslan, then he is ready for the Hobbit. Good Stuff.

Bonnie B said...

Bored-- it's almost August that's why you are bored-- don't worry school starts soon

Narnia-- that series is awesome. You'll love it/
Send your grandma my way if she gets bored and wants something else to clean