Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ace's First Blog Entry

Way whoa. Gee. Words.

I want to ride a moto cycle. Let's go outside. I want to go outside. Can you come outside with me? Can you come outside with me? Can we go outside? Can we move a moto cycle? Can we move the moto cycle?


Anonymous said...

Why is it that they can't go outside without us? It's not as if the backyard is the far side of the moon or something.

Bonnie B said...

You sound just like my Abby

I put up a fence, installed a huge play house and bought the Costco swingset-- in the hopes that I could just let them out with the cat. But no, they want me to come out and stare--they want me to do my job, but I really need to clean the house!