Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Little Obsessed with My Latest Hair Appliance

The loveliness of Paris
Seems somehow sadly gay
The glory that was Rome
Is of another day
I've been terribly alone
And frumpy here in Houston
I cannot stand to see the way it used to lay.

I left my Chi in San Antonio
High on a hill, it calls to me.
To be where little fuzzy hairs
Climb halfway to the stars!
The morning fog may chill my hair I don't care!
My love waits there in San Antonio
Despite the blue and windy sea
When I come home to you, dear straightening iron,
Your golden plates will shine for me!


Musings of a Housewife said...

LOL!! I love my Hai! Looked at the Chi. Aren't they great??

SuperMom said...

Ah, the straightening iron. I can never be without one or up goes the ponytail.

So sorry you left yours. Praying you will survive.

SuperMom said...


me said...

you need to meet my sister...she carries 2 chi (big chi and medium chi) with her AT ALL TIMES, never know when you will need a backup.

Pollyanna said...

OH MAN. Bummer. I don't use a straigtening iron, but I hear they are killer. Are you frizzed out now or what?? What happens when one doesn't their straigtening iron anyway? Is it really really bad? Do you get hives? Do you have hallucations? HMMMMM???

but Momma said...

Yes, I sit here, sporting my fuzzy ponytail. I made a brave attempt with my rollerbrush and Vidal Sassoon flat iron/curling iron (sarcastic HA!) but, it's just not the same. I'm particularly proud of my Chi because I scored it at a great price on Ebay. But I told Charlie to guard it with his life and I'm hoping he can cut training short, because bad hair trumps computer training.

but Momma said...

Supermom, I'm guessing that second one was baby trying to horn in on your blogging.


Anonymous said...

Go but momma! You have tripped the light fantastic. You have ventured into the wild, wacky world of poetry! I love it!

And after reading, am glad that I cut all of my frizz off. Viva la short hair!

but Momma said...

Don't get too excited, it's just the lyrics from I Left My Heart in San Francisco.
