Friday, July 28, 2006

But for My Memory Stick

I'd really like to be participating in Boo Mama's Tour of Homes. But sadly, Ace found my memory stick from my digital camera that had been left unattended in the uploader-thingy-me-bob on my newly rearranged desk arrangement and I haven't found the crevice in which he has tried to install it. AND ME WITH A NEWLY SEMI-PROFESSIONALLY REARRANGED AND TOTALLY PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED HOUSE! I am SO bummed.


John insisted yesterday, that he ask Ms. Sunny if we could borrow her powerwasher. At first I resisted, because that's a really big appliance to just willy-nilly go around borrowing, and all I've ever lent her is a little vinegar and a couple of eggs. But being the hard-head he is, he kept at me, and being the wishy-wash I am, I relented and NOW I HAVE A TOTALLY SPARKLING WHITE CONCRETE FRONT PORCH AND SIDEWALK! Which I can't show you. See above.

I have scoured this desk and every computer component on it. I've taken out from under the desk, all the carefully arranged cords, towers, speakers, plugs, thingy-me-bobs and the heavy doo-hicky. I dumped the book box and checked there, desk drawers, the kiddie kitchen that is the dumping ground for all toys and things "put away" in a hurry, the toy box-in which I had a brief shimmer of something I thought was small and purple but turned out to be a blue poker chip, and I have tried to get him to help me recreate what he did with it.

Me: "Ace, what did you do with the little purple chip?"
Ace: Shoulder shrug
Me: "Like this one? Did you take it out?"
Ace: "Yeees."
Me: "Where did you put it?"
Ace: "I pood it dere."
Me: "That's where it came from, but it's not there. Where did you put it?"
Ace: "I did."
Me: "I know, but where is it?"
Ace: "I did, but, but, I um. Den I, but, but, I don't know."
And I tried one more time this afternoon to find some secret toddler level hiding place he could have stuck it, all to no avail.
Plus my handsome stranger came home today, so we took the power-washer and wrote


In the dirty and mossy driveway. (Insert your own redneck joke here ______________. ) Which I would absolutely show you if I could find that confounded memory stick!
But yall go snoop around Onetallmomma's house and start the tour from there.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I stopped by before heading to bed. You know the memory stick will turn up....2 days after you have bitten the bullet and bought a new one. At least that is what happens in my house.

And I think that writing WELCOME HOME DADDY on the driveway muck with the borrowed power washer is the sweetest thing ever. He's a lucky man.

Is your neighbors last name really Chase? Just curious. My great grandfather was Joshua Chase.

Sleep well.

but Momma said...

You're SO right, I never thought of buying a new one to find the old one. I'm off to Wally World today.

Yes, she's a Chase. I'll have to ask Poppa Chase if there are in Yankees in the family history.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Now that is soooooo frustrating. I have misplaced my iPod. Can't even blame a kid. I know I did it. Can't find it, and it's driving me NUTS. Hope you find your memory stick. I want to see your home tour!! :-)

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Good luck! I lost my thumb drive last winter and found it under the melting snow this spring. It worked long enough to dump the contents back to my hard drive and then died. Whew!

Pollyanna said...

yeah, I want to see your home tour too! Onetallmomma's house is so cool. I LOVE her hardwood floors. They are beautiful! I went and looked at a BUNCH of those homes on tour yesterday and it was cool. So many people have a beautiful colorful wreath on their front door. I want a wreath now! It makes your front door look soooo pretty and dressy. Can't wait to see your house!!!!

I hope your memory stick showed up. goodness. Sounds like something my kids would do. :)

but Momma said...

Jodi, that's so funny, I thought the exact same thing! I'm thinking I need some kind of nice wreath on my door!

And H.M., no chance it's under the snow, but a very good chance it's under the moss. And in that case, it's a gonner.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but he wasn't a Yankee. He was from Florida by way of CA. His full name was Joshua Coffin Chase.