Saturday, June 17, 2006

For Father's Day...Setting the Record Straight

Dear Ace,

Last night your Daddy and I were having a discussion about you. I said that you seem to be different from your brothers and sister in your relentless pursuit of trouble and your Dad agreed. "But," he said, "he'll know he was your favorite when he sees how many pictures you took of him compared to how many pictures you took of the others." So I'm setting the record straight.

Number 1

Mostly I take a a lot of pictures of you getting in to trouble, because I'm afraid no one's going to beleive me, therefore I need proof.

Number 2

I'm not expecting or chasing another baby right behind you, to distract me from cataloging just exactly how cute you are.

Number 3

I'm afraid if I take too many pictures of Peaches, I'll get accused of liking the girl the best.

Number 4

Your big brothers are never around reeking havoc the way you do. There are only so many pictures a mom can take of two slugs playing video games.

Now, to the rest of you guys,

Momma did the best she could when you were little. John, we took a lot of pictures of your cuteness and Nanna took even more because you were the first baby in the family. Melee' you probably have the fewest pics because we moved three times when you were little, I took alot when we lived in Groesbeck, but when we got to Forney, I'm not sure what happened. However, rest assured I have lot's of pictures of your cuteness and you were the only one outgoing enough to have a picture of you dancing the Macarena on a table with the waiter at Joe's Crab Shack. It doesn't get any cuter than that! And Peaches, your cuteness speaks for itself, you've got plenty of pics.

So in the interest of fairness, I will now go hunt each of you down and take a picture...



Anonymous said...

Your blogs are so precious, I hope you are printing them out and saving them for the kids to have when they're all grown up with kids of their own.
Auntie Em

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful! My sister, Amy (#2 of 5), was convinced that she was adopted because there were no pictures of her as a baby. My Mum, being a Good Catholic of the 1960's era, had us fast and close together. As a result, I have tried my best to take pics of all 4. I have not always succeeded but I have put in the effort! Great pictures of your beautiful children.

You have an Auntie Em...that's so cute. Happy Father's Day to the Poppa.

Pollyanna said...

HEHEEHE. The kids all look THRILLED that you took their pics. :) All of them sure do look alike, don't they? Very cute bunch you got there. :)

Bonnie B said...

Your babies are so cute. i love the letter. I've always held a secret ruffle because my mother pasted the walls with pictures of my brother-- none of me (and I was far better looking--hehehe).
Now that I have kids of my own, I knw where she is coming from. I have tons of pictures of my oldest, a tad less of my middle child and I know I have a third one, but you wouldn't know it by looking in my photo box-- and she is pretty darn cute.