Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Cookie Monster

Let's see, Day Three Faith Formation... here's the highlights...

Trouble right from the start.

Got our cute shirts.

Made an apple pie and talked about using our talents.

I'm totally exhausted.

On Monday I packed everybody a standard lunch, sandwich, bag 'o chips, couple of cookies and a juice. Well in Ace's class they give us a little report everyday, which by the way, I feel is totally overdoing it. If you get through the day and your not bleeding and he's only wearing a couple of bandaids but can still walk a straight line, I say "Job well done, good and faithful women." So anyway, the first day when I go to pick him up, she explains that he's wearing his swim diaper because I evidently only put one real diaper in his bag, my own dumb fault and hey no explanation necessary! and then on the report it goes on to say that he ate everything in his lunch and was still hungry and asked for some yogurt. (Which of course no one had.) So now I'm feeling really guilty, not only is he the only nerd wearing a swim diaper, he's a poor, hungry, overlooked baby. On Tuesday, I'm looking around to pack him a better lunch, but I really don't have the supplies necessary to do the job. I pack the obligatory sandwich, chips, I find some grapes (cool), but I'm down to one cookie so I throw that in and up the ante with a small 4 pack of powdered donuts. Nutritionally speaking, not the "A" I was hoping for, but nobody's going home hungry today, I got you covered little man. Diapers? Three...count em...three. So at the end of the day I go to pick him up and the teachers helper says "He wouldn't eat his sandwich today so we wouldn't let him eat his donuts." Everybody with me? Baby got a couple of grapes, some chips and a cookie. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! I LOVE YOU, I'M REALLY TRYING TO LOVE YOU, I KNOW WHAT HE'S LIKE, I KNOW WHAT HE'S CAPABLE OF. I'VE BEEN PRAYING FOR YOU TWO FOR THE LAST TWO DAYS BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT A HANDFUL HE IS! DO I LOOK LIKE AN UPTIGHT BITCH WHO'S GONNA GET ANGRY IF YOU LET MY KID EAT THE DONUTS AND NOT THE SANDWICH?! O.K., maybe there's a concern on your part that grapes + a cookie + a juice + powdered donuts = Trouble. Got it. So today, the standard sandwich, chips, bag 'o cookies and a juice + I tell the helper "I really don't care what he eats today, if he'll eat the sandwich great, if not, no big deal. I mean, sure, if you want to try to make him eat the sandwich first, I'm fine with that. It's just that he likes hot dogs better, and I just didn't have any today, so.. you know.. whatever.. how ever it works .. for you I mean.." *sigh* I pick him up, didn't eat his sandwich, they wouldn't let him have his cookies. So tonight I schlepped to the store and tomorrow, he will have a hot dog, yogurt, milk, an apple and perhaps I'll hide the cookies in a super secret side compartment of the lunchbox.

How is it possible for me to have four children and not have my act together?


Anonymous said...

"How is it possible to have 4 children and not have my act together?"

Based on his pictures, Ace is not suffering from lack of food! He looks like a happy, healthy kid. Having 4 myself, I gave up having my act together years ago. Now I am happy if no one is screaming, everyone is healthy and they all know that they are loved. The rest usually takes care of itself! And don't worry about the teachers "judging" you unless they have walked even a minute in your shoes!

Pollyanna said...

Yeah, no kidding. I agree with Ashley. Just getting a kid to eat anything is a blooming miracle some days. Kids can be little shi*s and we do the best we can! you're kicking some serious booty, so don't ya worry. We got your back, sista. :)

Suburban Turmoil said...

I am having MAJOR trouble now getting my two-year-old to eat. Last night, we were at a buffet and she chose a plate with every kind of cake and dessert they offered. I let her eat it- I was just grateful that she had food in her stomach at that point! ;)

Bonnie B said...

I have three girls and I'm just happy if they are fully clothed. If they are clean and their hair is still styled, it's a bonus.

Don't those teachers make you feel like "the loser parent?" I know they don't mean to make any of us feel that way, but I always feel inadequate when I leave school or go to the park and pull out a box of crackers in front of Organic nature woman whose kids are clean and eating perfectly sliced apples.

Well, as long as everyone is happy I guess it doesn't matter if Organic Mama or Cheeto Mama is the mom (but I would like Ms. Organically perfect to call and give me some pointers).