Saturday, May 06, 2006

To Blog or Not to Blog...

I've been playing with a blog on yahoo that limits my viewers to friends and family but have decided after reading so many fun things out here in internet-space that I would be brave and start one here as well.

So many decisions...What are my boundaries? What to blog, what not to blog? Who would care? My husband, who is a terrible cynic, is afraid of me gaining the attention of a deranged maniac and being stalked and well you can guess the rest. And I keep thinking why? Why would some deranged maniac take the time to read about my boring life and decide I'm a good a target as any? Well, I am a good a target as any, but that's not the point....

So in the interest of remaining anonymous, I made my family choose their own alias'.

There's :

"Charlie" Husband. I'm not sure if that is as in "Good Time Charlie" or "Charlie Brown".

"John" - Number 1 son and technically not a rotten egg in so far as I was only twenty-eight when I had him. Doesn't know what the alias is for, as he would want editing rights for all blogs containing content related to him.

"Melee' " - Number 2 son with a flare for the dramatic and all things video game and sport related. He's never liked any nickname I ever gave him because evidently they were not tough enough. Currently plays baseball and likes to watch himself run.

"Peaches" - Daddy's little girl and rotten egg number 1, who's going by Daddy's nickname for her as she could only think of aliases that rhymed with real words. "Sater" rhymes with later, "Fillow" rhymes with pillow and so on.

"Ace" - The Terrible Two. Yes, he picked his own alias. He was probably talking about something else entirely, but he picked it and it's hilarious.
Then there's little ole me, I'll answer to almost anything. I've been called Geraldine, Josephine, Joleen, Christine, and I've been known to turn around if someone calls Steve outloud. But since I'm the one writing I don't have to worry about all that.

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