Friday, May 26, 2006

Snoopy says....

It's Summer time, summer time, sum-sum-summer time!

I'm so excited! No more getting up at 7:00 (am I lazy or what!) No more yelling up the stairs for people to "HURRY UP, YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THE BUS!". No more making up lectures on the virtue of brushing your hair before school. No more forgotten library books. No more panicked phone calls about being ten dollars in the hole in the cafeteria and being forced to eat a Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Summer presents it's own challenges. How to feed four people 3 times a day. (Sam's Club.) What is the appropriate time to let the boys go down the street to the pool by themselves? (When it opens.) How to maintain the sacred nap schedule? (Sheer force of my will.) How many times can I pawn off my chores to the kids without there being a mutiny? (Only time will tell.)


Ah yes, summer....

Everyone join me in a collective *sigh*.


Pollyanna said...

HEHEHEEHE. I would be asking myself the EXACT same ???? except I am going to work full time & my Mom is going to be watching my kids, the poor dear she has no idea what she's in for. She needs to be asking HERSELF these questions. HMMMM...maybe I should forward her this post???
I hope you have a good good summer! I mean, I'm sure you'll hear from me before summer is over, but still, I hope you have a great great summer. :)

Anonymous said...

I am jumping for joy for you! I LOVE summer. I love spending time with the kids, getting up late, letting the day take us where it will. 2 more weeks and we are done here in Maine. I'm counting the days.

Hope your posterior feels better soon!