Saturday, September 16, 2006

Melee' is Ten

Well in typical middle child style, Melee's birthday was overlooked again. Not to say that I forgot his birthday...just that it was hard to work in.
He was born ten years ago on September 15th at around 6:45 p.m., right smack in the middle of the Dallas Cowboy football game. You must be thinking, "Wow, you must be a huge Cowboy fan!" Nah, but Charlie is, and I remember that I could hardly get him out of the car and away from the radio play by play.
This middle boy of mine was three days late and when he decided to show, he was in a big hurry. By the time I realized it was serious it was too late for the epidural.
"Sorry, we just don't have enough time for the bag of glucose to empty and the anethesiologist to get here."
"Charlie! Reach up there and squeeze that bag!"
But three pushes later, we were done.
He was a tougher baby. He didn't like his swing. He got colicky every afternoon till about 8:00. I would try everything...the walking, the bobbing, the rocking, the football hold, the tummy over the knees swing, the patting, and ultimately, the Daddy pass-off. Every night, like clockwork he would stop around eight. When John was a baby and he started moving his hands with excitement, he always looked like a conductor of a symphony. Melee' always looked like he was riding motorcycles. He's a boy's boy. He has his mom's temperament and freckled skin. He has his Dad's love of noise. He's grown up to be the easy one, and by virtue of his easy-ness, he sometimes gets the short end of the stick. He works hard in school and cares much about what we think. He currently has a passion for all things baseball and my birthday wish for him is that for the "fall ball" season, he gets to knock one all the way to the fence and that we all get to be there when he does. He deserves it, as does any ten year old boy who will let his Mom kiss him in front of the other boys.

*Melee' is ten, but this picture was from when he was five. That darned memory stick!


Pollyanna said...

OHMYGOSH. he is soooo adorable. Watch out for the girls with that one. He's soooo handsome. :)

Pendullum said...

Ahhhhh happy birthday to Melee... He is wonderful....
Just the type of boy I would want my daughter to bring home!!!!

Pendullum said...

Ahhhhh happy birthday to Melee... He is wonderful....
Just the type of boy I would want my daughter to bring home!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Melee!

That was just wonderful Momma.

yerdoingitwrong said...

aw. He's a very handsome boy!!

btw, those are five scary words. Too. late. for. the. epidural.