Monday, September 25, 2006

Grains of Gratitude

As we sat on the couch Friday evening I said to Charlie, "Oh! I've got to start the dishwasher! Help me remember this week that the house doesn't get clean by magic!"

I'm pretty spoiled. I get one kind of relief when Mom's here and then another when Charlie gets home. It's like being halfway on vacation all the time. When she's here, we get up in the morning and I feed the kids, get them dressed, make their lunches, gather their papers, and make sure they get to school on time (or not) and by the time I get them all out the door, I go upstairs to find that my Mom has...

*made all the beds
*gathered all the kids dirty clothes
*started a load of laundry
*put up the dishes out of the washer
*and usually has started vaccuuming

I'm usually the one who cooks dinner, but while I get the kids ready for bed she puts up leftovers, cleans the table and does the dishes. During any given week, I cook and herd kids, she does everything else. I'm not averse to helping in the household chore department, it's just that she's so fast. I sometimes have to result to going out and mowing the yard because it's the one chore she hasn't gotten to first. I lost out on the yard last week, as she slipped my neighbor's yardman some cash to do it first.

Charlie gets here and I immediately start yawning. Not that I find him uninteresting, quite the opposite, but my tired mind instinctively knows it's okay to sleep now. He won out in the motorcycle department and we went to the track Saturday morning. We took a break and went to Melee's baseball game, where he scored a homerun off of a strike-out. I'm really not sure how that happens, but I'm told it's perfectly legal. Then back to the track to drop off Charlie and the boys, but the boys ended up pooping out and came home with me. When Charlie got home and saw the chicken nuggets I had in the oven, he got out the lettuce and fixed us a Chicken Nugget and bacon bit salad. Then he put the Littles in the tub. This week is gonna be WAY too short! The housework can be a drudgery but the Littles can be emotionally draining. Then he suggested he could take Peach and Ace to California when he goes at the beginning of November, and I said "Are you trying to KILL me?" Three weeks without Him, Peach AND ACE? In a perfect world it's the stuff day dreams are made of. In the real world I have to start considering Al Qaeda and Bird Flu. Plus the Bigs would have a COW! Well, November is a long way away and I've got a LOT of things to be grateful for today!

How 'bout you? Tell mum2brady at Brady's Bunch.


Anonymous said...

"Don't leave me all alone with the little ones....please!!!" The thought sends shivers down my spine.

And can your mother come and live with me for awhile?

The Mom said...

Hey - I want your mom :) My mom is great like that, but she lives far away (and I think she's glad she does LOL She finds it exhausting to come and visit LOL) What a wonderful hubby and mom you have, and your chillins sound totally adorable!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and joining in :) Hope to see you next week :)

Pollyanna said...

OH man. your Mom can come here ANYTIME. She sounds divine.

And that's great that the Charlie may take some of the kids with him in November, isn't it? Think of all the rest you can get! :)

me said...

a mom who comes to help. AND a husband who jumps in to make dinner. tell me...where is this land of nirvana?

j/k we all have our help and we all have our bad times, enjoy yours. you'll need it when he leaves again.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Aren't moms great that way?! My mom lives too far away to reap the benefits of her help.

Andreia Huff said...

That is awesome.My mom is terrified of "doing something wrong" in my house so she spends so much time asking questions that whatever she is trying to help with becomes unhelpful! Darn!
You are lucky!

Bonnie B said...

Does your mother make house calls because I've got an emergency on my hands. My laundry is leaving the laundry room and is invading the hallway. What an amazing woman! You are so lucky.