Friday, September 15, 2006

Adventures in Homeschooling the Prologue

As if I were not totally up in arms to begin with, the following conversation insued last night around the dinner table.

“So John,” I said, “What did your Counselor talk to you about the other day.” (As per my instructions, after our last conference.)

“She talked to me about my locker route and she agrees with me. I can take everything with me and not make a stop at my locker for now, later on, if I feel like I need to, she can help me find a time to stop.”

Irritated that the school counselor has decided it’s cool with her if he schleps all his stuff plus his lunch box around with him for eight hours, I said “Oh? What else did ya’ll talk about?”

“I told her how you want to homeschool me because you don’t think the teachers are doing their jobs.”

Me totally redfaced and choking on my cream gravy, “What?! I didn’t say that. Did you tell her I said that? I didn’t say that the teachers aren’t doing their jobs!”

“Yes you did. You said that you could do a better job than Ms. Krebs.”


I’m so totally screwed.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Those kids - they say the darndest things.

Be careful with that cream gravy!

but Momma said...

I'm drinking that gravy in a martini glass with a sausage ball on a toothpick....

Bonnie B said...

He DIDN'T say it. WHY do kids do these things to us!

Here's to the gravy though-- what's it over?

Pollyanna said...

OHLAWD. Out of the mouths of babes. I can TOTALLY see one of my kids doing something like that. I hope you can get everything all worked out. It sounds to me, and I don't know your lovely son obviously, that he's doing alright for now. And, although it was MORTIFYING for you, it sounds like he feels comfortable with the counselor to tell her what's going on for real and that's always a good thing.

Keep us posted for sure!

yerdoingitwrong said...


but Momma said...

Doh! is right!

and Yes he DID!

and mortified, I am!

I can't decide if I should play it cool and ignore it, or if requires me eating humble pie.

Humble pie is no good with cream gravy on it.

Pendullum said...

I never drank...until I became a parent...
and that would have me pouring another glass of wine...