Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Just Call Me Gladys Cravitz

On Saturday, we got ready to go to Maypearl. Where we were going to my brother's in-laws for a birthday party and waterslides. I packed towels and extra clothes and sunscreen, that's when I started looking for the camera and of course, couldn't find it. I finally gave up the hunt and figured that I would continue hunting when we got home. I misplace a lot of things, but I usually come across it in a day or two, so I wasn't too concerned. When it didn't show up on Sunday, I started retracing my steps to the last time I remembered having it. I take it out to the house every day and it usually is hanging on my wrist. That would have meant Thursday evening when I took some pics of the countertops. Long story short (or shorter) by the time I had gone over both cars, the dog house and the Sunset house, I decided someone had to have stolen it out of one of the cars when they were parked in front of the doghouse. But I knew if I said it out loud, it would show up.
I found it today out at the Sunset House on one of the new countertops. It was not there yesterday, which means someone has been keeping it safe for me.

So NOW my addiction to taking and uploading loads of badly taken photos can continue!

I've had some time to look around and have discovered to my delight, that I have views of everything that goes on in my neighborhood. This is a view out my laundry room window.

This is my view out my kitchen window.

This is my view from the kitchen, straight down the hallway. I can see all the way down and see what everybody is up too.

Also a view of the bar!

Kitchen Island.

Corner Sink

This is the cultured marble. First the powder room shower. (It was a powder room before we added the shower.)

My laundry room counter and sink. This is the only place I had the cabinets painted rather than stained. My Mom likes these best. I however am tired of cleaning off red food stuffs off my white cabinets. Yes, I understand the food stuff needs to be cleaned off regardless.

The kids bathroom.

(There's still plastic on top of the counters)


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Whew, good thing you found the camera! Are those granite counter tops or another product. Silostone maybe?

but Momma said...

Yes, they're granite. A color called Amarello Boreal. Silestone is really pretty too, but granite was a standard with our builder, so we didn't look at anything else.

I was sweatin the camera!