Friday, May 30, 2008

And the Winner Is....


I have three certificates that say so...

(Obviously, none of them are in Photography!)

Melee' got a certificate for the A honor roll and a gold certificate for having three commended performances on his three TAKS tests.

Peach got an All-Star certificate for Improvement in reading.

And John, not only got his Jr. High "Diploma" he received a certificate for four commended performances on his four TAKS tests.

Overall, I'd say our transition to new schools went well. The kids were very happy with their new friends and as much they are glad that school is over, they had a lot of fun at their end of the year parties.


The countdown to the first summer blow-up begins...

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

YAY MAMA!!! Your kiddos are kicking some booty!