Friday, May 02, 2008

All's Good in the Hood

We were in the news today.

This morning, Charlie took the kids to school today. I was scurrying around the house trying to get ready as we were headed to Tyler to choose tile. When he got back it had started to sprinkle and by the time he got Ace's shoes on and got to the front door, it was pouring. I ran back into the house and grabbed Peaches "Hello Kitty" umbrella and stepped back out it was dark and the wind was whipping all around as I tried to wrestle the booster seat out of the suburban and into Charlie's car and then I forgot to grab the color sample wheel and by the time I jumped into the front seat, the Hello Kitty umbrella was toast and I was soaked. We went over to the Sonic for our daily dose of caffiene and then we headed up 64 toward Tyler. About five minutes later we hear on the radio that there had been a tornado reported in Canton.

Turns out it hit about four blocks from the "Dog House", where we're staying. This weekend is First Monday Weekend and it hit right at the main entrance. A couple of minor injuries, a few overturned tables and one overturned R.V.

Of course as we sat at the Sonic waiting for the three Dr. Peppers to arrive the storm went on down the road. Highway 64 to be exact. Yep, we followed the storm, ran into the storm and then after a very tense 10 minutes (or at least it was tense for me) we came out on the other side. We got to the tile store, just in time to hear the tornado sirens going off in Tyler. I think Tyler made it through unscathed.

We picked our tile. We went out and had lunch. And then drove back to Canton to a beautiful sunny day with First Monday bustling as usual. We finished the day at Melee's first game of a baseball tournament. Whew, what a day!


Ann(ie) said...

You are not kidding what a day! I sat on my arse with a pukey toddler and watched a good giant dose of reality TV. It didn't suck. Well, the pukey part sorta did. Glad you're all okay, girlie!!

Ann(ie) said...

OH and are you watching BB? Or did you watch BB this season?
I wanted Rye Bread. *snif*