Wednesday, March 04, 2009

One for the Grandkids

Hopefully this blog will be saved for you guys in one form or another and when you get to this entry, I want you to bookmark it for me, because this will be the section to read "When Nini got Pneumonia."

One day your Mom's and Dad's are gonna say, "Come on kids, get in the car, it's time to go see Nini and Pawpaw." and you guys are gonna groan and somebody near the back will say "I don't want to go to Nini and Pawpaw's" and somebody's smart Momma will say, "But Nini always has chocolate cake and ice cream when we come." and somebody will pop-off and say, "Yeah, but Nini will want to talk about the time she got Pneumonia!" and the crowd will do a collective eye roll.

You guys can read all the entries so that when you come over, you can join in and commiserate with me. And when Nini gets teary-eyed at the part where they would have liked to put her in the hospital but there weren't any beds, you can pat me on the back and say, "Take a big deep breath Nini, and let's have some more chocolate cake!" And you'll make a little old lady so happy, because I see this thing ending with cake and ice cream.

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