Thursday, March 05, 2009

More Thoughts on Pneumonia. Don't Worry, I've Still Got a Million of Them.

I'm cautiously optimistic today. It's been a pretty good breathing day.

Yesterday I went back to the Doc cause it still wasn't good. They were suprised to see me. I got blood work and another x-ray, after he looked at everything, he came in shaking his head and I said, "I'm gonna live, aren't I?" "Yep, but it's gonna be a rough couple of days." He tried to get me a hospital bed but they didn't have any room at the inn. My only option was to go sit in the ER. And those are my standing orders if I get any worse. Straight to the E.R. But I got two more shots and we upped my breathing treatments to five a day. I had another good nights sleep and woke up feeling a little better. The worst part today is just that the breathing treatments upset my stomach, so just overall I still feel crappy. But I'm hungrier today, so I think I'm coming around. I feel like overall I'm coughing less, but that feeling goes away quickly when I start having one of those hacking fits.

Tomorrow is Tyler's Spring Band Concert, and I had resigned myself to not going. But tonight, I'm thinking maybe I could make it. It's just whether or not I had one of those coughing fits in the middle of the concert....

The Z-dog keeps a smile on my face while I'm recouperating. With things like, "If we had bars on the walls right here, and then some bars, over there, I could just swing, swing, swing." That's my boy. He also insulted my number one Nana today, I was still in bed when she got here and when she walked in he said, "Why are you here?" and she said something about helping out to which he replied, "You should be invited before you come over." I'm gonna have to put the smack-down on that boy! If he runs off the lady that makes me toast and scrambled eggs when I don't feel good enough to do it myself, I'm voting him off the island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you should attend ALL of the school functions and pass all the germs around to everybody. I have kind of a similar bug and was voted out of church for the duration. Jan is running low on patience and is threatening to leave. Can I borrow Nan?