Thursday, October 25, 2007


I (gasp) just jogged (huuhhh) from the elementary school to my street corner.

gasp... huhhh...huhhh

Because I couldn't make it the three extra houses to my driveway.


If you see a group of women running in a parking lot today say around 9:15, honk, roll down your window, find the girl that is second to dead last, and holler "RUN FOREST RUN!!!"

I could use a little encouragement.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Ouch! Hang in there... it'll only get easier!


Pollyanna said...

ohlawd woman. you are making me giggle!!!

Anonymous said...

RUN FOREST RUN! You can do this! Not sure why you want to run and kill yourself, but I sure admire you for it! And you're making me giggle too!

Ann(ie) said...

You crack me up.

But, seriously.....

You run, dude????

but Momma said...

Dude! I totally run.

Two minutes at a time.