Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In my unsolicited opinion....


Nyeh. It was okay I guess. Only marginally more entertaining than March of the Penguins, which I thought was sad. Only the Robin Williams one-liners made it entertaining. Ace actually turned to me during the show and asked to go home. That's an emphatic two-thumbs down for him.

Olivia forms a band

I LOVE the Olivia books and this one does not disappoint! I love a book that makes the kids and I laugh outloud. I love the illustrations, the color, and miss Olivia's attitude. When we got to the page where she put on makeup, we laughed till we cried.

Living with Ed

This is my latest HGTV obsession. I've developed an interest in all things recyclable over the last couple of years and I recently watched An Inconvenient Truth, which was really good and really scary. This show is hilarious! It's like Ed and his wife are the two sides of my brain. One side wants me to drive a Hybrid and cook in a tinfoil oven, the other wants new dubs for my SUV. Xzibit! Pimp my ride!


Pollyanna said...

I was wondering about that Happy Feet movie. HMMM..good to know! I just watched "Little Miss Sunshine" today. A VERY adult movie. I liked it, I actually giggled out loud a few times and it's sorta hard to amuse me, I have high standards! :)

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Al does a convincing job in his movie. Made me think twice about a LOT of things. All I have to say is that we're going to need one gigantic handbasket for this world!