Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gratuitous Product Testimonial

Special ordered to match

Gymboree's Peruvian Doll Collection

Punkinhead Hairwear

"Because every girl is a Princess"

Let me just say, for the most part, I'm a fashion don't. I don't go to department stores because I am easily overwhelmed, so many sections and what goes with what? And even if I can find something I usually stick to black because if it's all black, it has to go together? Right? And then there's always the issue of shoes. I can't even think about it. I love them all, but is that for young girls? Is this pair too old lady-ish? Oww! That HURTS! Forget it.

So when it comes to dressing Peach, Gymboree is the most fabulous thing I've ever seen in my entire life! You go online, and they have all the pieces by category and some of the outfits are already put together, like Granimals only cuter. So I log on, wait for them to go on sale and shop to my heart's content. And THEN, I ordered matching bows.

It's the closest to the cover of Vogue as I'll ever get. Thanks SuperMom!

(Unless they do a covershot of the fashion Don't)


Musings of a Housewife said...


yerdoingitwrong said...

SO cute!

me said...

She is too adorable, and I have to say those bows make me itchy for a girl. Lucky you

Pollyanna said...

LOVE love love ordering online, it's the best. My SIL works at the call center for Gymbore. She gets some killer deals sometimes. My kids are too big for their clothes now...DAMN!

Cute outfit for Peaches by the way..too cute.

Anonymous said...

Good words.