Monday, October 02, 2006

With a Face Like That...

LOOK AT THAT FACE! I CAN'T TAKE IT! CAN YOU? I mean, can you? Sure, he looks sweet enough. All fun and games, right? ABSOLUTELY! Like when he stalks me in the morning, before I've brushed the hair off my teeth, chanting relentlessly, "Momma. Momma. Momma. Momma. I want some meeeeaaaaalllk. I want some meeaalk. Momma, Momma, Momma, Momma..." Or when you come into the computer room to discover that he knows just enough to get to the SpongeBob SquarePants Download page on the Internet. Oh! And how bout when he takes off running out the door at the Mother's Day Out because he's small enough to duck under the clog of toddlers and Mommies and strollers and backpacks, and just as you think he's gonna stop and let you help him into his side of the car, he takes off running around the giant Suburban while you run after him screaming, "ACE! STOP!! AAACCE, I MEAN IT!!! THERE'S CARS IN THE PARKING LOT!!! STOP!" Each of you standing at opposites ends of the car doing the bob-and-weave trying to fake each other out. Then you're so tired that when you finally get him strapped in to his car seat, you let his sister give the lecture. "Peach, why do we not run in the parking lot?" "Because there are cars in the parking lot. And they could run over you. And you might want to hug Momma, but you can't, cause your dead." And also, now when you change his diaper, he fights you and yells at the top of his lungs, "DON'T TOUCH MY PARTS! DON'T TOUCH MY PARTS!" , due to a grab-handy pediatrician who went a little too fast during the examination of the privates and discovered Mom wasn't being as arduous in some of the bathtime requirements as might be necessary. And so you spend a good thirty minutes of your day begging for forgiveness for being a total looser and "I'm NOT going to touch your parts, please keep it down honey, the neighbor's can hear you."

Oh don't get me wrong, he still lets me play "tickle your nose with my nose" and gives kisses when you ask and says "I want to hug you." in this cute little way that sounds like he might be an immigrant who just learned english, or Dracula. Still, he's prone to throttling his sister, throwing blocks and has a wicked pout face with crossed arms. But today I found where he hid my memory stick. I guess I'll keep him.


Musings of a Housewife said...

Oh, that is one adorable li'l face!

me said...

too cute, i always say thats why our kids are cute, it makes us want to keep them. he looks like trouble, in an adorable way!!

SuperMom said...

Heh, heh, heh. It's that baby thing. Mine is going to do me in.

BTW - If you want bows and are feeling overwhelmed by the choices, go to my site, email me and let me help you. It's painless! Really!

yerdoingitwrong said...

HE is so cute!!!

Bonnie B said...

Adorable and full of spunk-- love him
He reminds me of my Nikki- only maybe a tad more mischievious

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Be careful. There's a kid that will take advantage of that face EVERY chance he gets!

Ashley Lasbury said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing my ...butt off. Brings to mind my third child. He was, what, 4 months old when our Dr. discovered the "mold" growing under his armpits and in his fat little neck folds. Opppps....need to do a better job at bath time!

It still amazes me how you want to kill them one minute and shower them with kisses the next. Ahhhh, motherhood.

Molly said...

Very very cute and sounds very much like my Ned! Frustrating at times but makes life a whole lotta fun!