Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Height of Vanity

I don't spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. Oh, you know, I get up and brush my teeth and wash the face. I love my Chi, so if weather permits, I straighten my hair, and I get out my assorted makeup accutrements and try to camouflage some of the hormone spots I've accumulated over four pregnancies. But for the most part, once I'm done, I don't much look at myself the rest of the day. However, the other night as I was putting myself together for Faith Formation, I noticed that the way my hair was falling that day, was showing all my gray roots. So I got out a tube of brown mascara and brushed my roots because brown roots look WAY less trashy than gray ones. Eighth graders are an impressionable lot after all, I told myself.

So to save myself any further embarrassment and as there is NOTHING on television tonight, I'm off to "wash" that gray right out of my hair. Before my man gets back on Friday.


Pollyanna said...

OHMYWORD. I so feel you. i have many a gray hair poking out here there and everywhere. I do to dye it again. Maybe this weekend.

And you're right there is NOTHING on TV on Weds. Ugh.

Bonnie B said...

There is nothing on Wednesdays-- except Jericho-- wait is that on Weds. I always miss it.

As for the mascara idea-- good idea-- funny, but good.

I'm due for a root job too-- overdue for one actually. I think I may have passed tacky a week ago