Friday, April 16, 2010

The Trouble with Ace

.. is that he is irresistible. It doesn't matter what kind of trouble he gets in, I can't stay mad at him. Of course he's cute, but he's cuddly too and after he's done something wrong he's always ever so sorry. Like Wednesday when he took his giant pencil and wrote on his armoire. Charlie caught him in the act. Or on Saturday, when I relented on my rule about no one under the age of 10 can have chewing gum. He begged. I said, "No playing with the gum, and you have to come and tell me when you're ready to throw it away and show me when you put it in the trash can." You can click on the picture above and see that the little stripe at the top of his head? It's gum in his hair.

Last night when I put him to bed I said "Tomorrow is TGIF!" and he said,
"Why are you glad it's TGIF?"
"Well, school's over and we have the weekend."
"Don't you like learning?"
"Sure. I like learning, but I like relaxing and doing whatever we want. Night-night. Love you."
"Love you too."

(Mom exits the room and wanders down the hall to fold towels.)




(Mom sighs and shuffles back down the hall.)

"What is it baby?"
"Do you know why I like TGIF?"
"Video games?"
"I just can't resist."
"You could use your awesome powers of will."
"Nope. I'm addicted."

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