Thursday, April 01, 2010

I'm off the juice. Wrote a letter to the editor anyway. Found out I'm anemic (WTH?), symptoms include not just being tired, but also grumpy. Go figure.

Had a really good day yesterday helping with the hospitality room for the UIL Band judges. Our kids got straight ones and a big trophy. Thanks in large part to my hot sauce.

Had a good morning, went to my training appt. Killed myself trying to do "Rockettes", don't even ask, it's ridiculous. She told me I looked skinny today, which I totally agree with. And then came home and now I'm supposed to be cleaning. GAAHHHD I HATE CLEANING! But company's coming for First Monday tomorrow and the house is a wreck. But GAHD I HATE cleaning!

Called a lady to volunteer for the book fair next week. Got off the phone after leaving a message and realized that if she's read the paper, she may be mad at me since I said the school board members should be held to a higher standard. And she's on the school board. yeah. nice. Had to call back and leave a lengthy message explaining that when I said "school board" I really wasn't lumping her into that category. Which is totally true, but didn't keep me from crying on the phone. I am such a loser.

So now my day's shot, the house is only half picked up, I just want to go sit on the couch now, but I still have to take a shower and go to Holy Thursday services.

Plus I'm supposed to get up and go with my Mom, Aunt and Co. at seven to first Monday and it's supposed to rain tomorrow.

Oh yeah...but this really cracked me up...

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