Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"I told ya so." Let me count the ways....

Yesterday I had the greatest day.

If my life were a Broadway musical, which we all know it should be, when I got the email yesterday from the President of the Homeowners association saying that the new community mower's transmission went out....I would have been Ethel Merman and I would have thrown open my front door and run out on the front porch, waved my hands in the air and belted out..


Gloating. That's a deadly sin isn't it? I can't help it. I want to help it, but I can't. I want to write an email to everyone in the neighborhood and sing, "I told ya, I told ya!" Or "Can we agree that this was a bad idea and we shouldn't do it again?" or "Was somebody's thirteen year old using it when it went out?" But Ethel and I are going to keep our trap shut and they are going to try it again with a different brand. But please keep the band warmed up, because I feel another song coming on.

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