Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not to be a buzz kill...

but has anyone seen Food Inc.? I missed it the other day on PBS but you can watch it on PBS.com if you can stand the pause-load-play, pause-load-play circle. Or you can rent it.

But Geez Louise! Which came first the chicken or the egg substitute? Seriously. Just when I thought I knew what to avoid on my diet! Jaime Oliver gets me all motivated on the Food Revolution then BLAM! Chickens aren't chickens, hamburger meat is washed with amonia, and a certain chemical company-who-must-not-be-named is running the government.

It's enough to make you run for the hills with your guns. Except I don't like guns.

It's enough to make you want to buy your own cow. Except then you really wouldn't want to eat it would you, because then it would really be more of a pet, wouldn't it?

It's enough to make you want to be a vegetarian. Except doesn't that have something to do with cruelty to illegal aliens and diabetes?

It's enough to make you go out and buy a gallon of hormone-antibiotic free, organic milk. Except that shit is EIGHT BUCKS A GALLON!

I'm so confused.


Droopy said...

Eat whatever you like, use lots of salt and sugar, fry it in trans-fat and sign up for Obamacare!

but Momma said...

Don't hate the player, hate the game. :)