Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Letter of the First Part

Dear Editor,

I hate to bring up the loss, but did anyone notice after the Eagles(us) fell to the *Tigers, the Tiger football players, and band and all the Tiger fans stayed on "our" football field and celebrated their victory!

While at the time, it was like "salt in the wound", I was struck by the way the Tiger Band supported their football team. Their band played music on the field while the Tigers and their fans celebrated!

There is no disputing that the Eagle Band is awesome; however, somewhere along the way, have we forgotten why they are out there on Friday nights? Let's face it, the music sets the mood for the fans. I'd much rather hear a "fight song" or a "spirit song" when our team is trying to hold their opponent on fourth down. After all, it is "Friday night football", isn't it?
That is why we have a band and cheerleaders-to support the team and get the crowd pumped up!

When football season is over, I am sure the band could sell season tickets for concerts concerts on the football field, but during Friday night football games, the band should be there to support the football team.

The students in the band and the football players on the field all work hard to be the best at what they do. What would Friday night football be without our football team, the band and the cheerleaders? It is a night for all three to shine.

Not to mention that Canton football fans are not allowed to have tailgate parties in our own parking lot prior to football games because it would take money from the band's concession stand. This is un-American, not to mention it puts a damper on school spirit. We do not have to be for one or the other - we can support all "Eagles", whether they have a football, pompoms or a trumpet in band!

Eagle Fan,

*I changed the name of the team she was referring to.

For anyone who doesn't know any better. I've got a kid in the band. And boy was I steamed. It makes my blood pressure go up just reading it again.

1 comment:

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Ahhh... thanks for publishing this. I can see why it raises your blood pressure.