Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Just Can't Bear It

I've decided it might not be a downward spiral. I may just be a bear and nobody told me. Here it is the verge of winter, I've put on a lot of weight, I can hardly keep my eyes open, and I get really angry when kids poke at me with sticks.

I was published in the paper today. In fact the entire page two of the paper was filled with responses to the letter that made me so mad. All responses were by band parents. It would be really interesting to know how many people submitted letters.

Counting down the days till Thanksgiving. After which I will officially go into hibernation.

1 comment:

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

So?... what did she say that made you so mad? And what did you say in your response?

You don't think we're just going to let you casually mention it and be done with it do you? ;-)