Sunday, October 26, 2008

Guess Who Advanced to State Yesterday?


They did it! The area competition was in Fort Worth and the kids were the second band to play in preliminaries. I cried through the entire program. I am a complete and total wuss. Luckily the sun was in our eyes and I had on sunglasses. You think you won't be able to pick your kid out of a crowd, but you totally can. The first band started at 10:00 a.m. and we stayed till the lunch break at 12:00. Then we bailed and took the Littles out to eat. They had two more sections of bands and wouldn't announce finalists until 5:00. We went ahead and took the kids to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua, while the band went to eat pizza and back to the stadium to watch the rest of the bands.

We got back, headed into the stands and waited for the results. They announced us as the tenth out of ten bands going to finals. We were sweating it! Then the directors drew for marching order, we were the final band to march.

They were SO good! I managed not to cry this time.

The marching was over at 9:45 and they announced the state qualifiers at 10:00. Of twenty one bands, ten advanced to finals. Four bands qualified for state and we were fourth of four. The kids were upset. They're used to being number one. They've won three state championships in a row, but they have a super complicated program this year with a lot of difficulty and little fluff. The band director had said that this might be the year they didn't make it to state. So we lived to fight another day!

That one on the end is my kid! And he's brilliant!

We're off to San Antonio November 3rd and 4th. Now I just have to figure out how I'm gonna get there. I've got three kids to rent out, just in case anyone's short on chaos.


Ann(ie) said...

WOOOOOO! That rules. I'll take a kid. don't you have one that vaccuums?

but Momma said...

I have one that LOVES to clean! She's a little short for an upright, but if you've got a canister vac, she's your girl!