Thursday, March 20, 2008

Write the Caption...

Send me a caption, then I'll tell you the story behind the picture.

* Oh you guys are great!

Jeff you are exactly right, but you got the driver wrong! Charlie is King of the Loop de Loops, I am Queen of cleaning up the results.

Annie, I hope you get the chance to come to Texas sometime after I get this house built! I need to take you to First Monday where you can buy ANYTHING to eat - "On a Stick" and I will make sure Ace does not Judo chop your ass!

Since we've done all this traveling back and forth to Houston, we can't get in the car without somebody getting carsick. My guts are made of steel, and even I've been getting quesy when we start down the road. This was just a short little hop over to Tyler to look at some kitchen appliances, Ace has on his Sea-Bands accupressure wrist-bands, and we finally had to give him some dramamine. He fell asleep with his "air-sick" bag on his lap.


Ann(ie) said...

"shhhhhhh. I'm not really sleeping. I'm waiting for someone to try to take my burger and then I'm going to judo chop their ass."

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

After mom launched into her 3rd loop-de-loop in a row, Ace grabbed the air-sick bag and prepared for a launch of his own.

Ann(ie) said...

excuse me....

Did you say anything to eat...on a stick????

um, I'm there!

notso_liquid_paper said...

I love the smell of coney's in the morning.