Sunday, March 23, 2008

SHHH, They didn't notice....

Happy Easter! I have never planned less for any holiday that requires I buy treats for my kids. We went last night to Walmart at 9:00 and believe it or not, we were not alone. The older boys didn't even have baskets or buckets because everything is packed in Houston. I had bought the Little's baskets last weekend because they both had Easter Egg hunts at school. We did a little Egg Hunt and then we did one treasure hunt for the Big's and one for the Little's that ended in a double feature of The Bee Movie and Enchanted. That distracted everyone from the fact that we did not dye one egg. Nope, not one... it was nice. I'll admit, I love to decorate an egg, in fact last year I bought enough eggs so that each of us could decorate a dozen. Trust me, nobody needs to have that many boiled eggs around, unless your having a huge picnic afterward.

Here's to More Chocolate!!!

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

Sounds like heaven to me....chocolate and a double feature!!!