Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Therapy is a Good Thing

Well, it took approximately 10 days 11 hours and 20 minutes into summer vacation before I went off like a time bomb. I'm not sure if that's a record, but I'll definitely be looking back to my posts from last summer to check.

I sometimes think I look forward to summer more than the kids. No more schedules to keep. No more paperwork coming into the house and bogging me down. No counselors to check in with. No Wednesday folders. No packing lunches. But I forget that my idea of summer and the kids idea of summer don't exactly line up. Their idea of summer is sleeping in till 11:00 or 12:00 p.m., or getting up at 6:00 a.m. and firing up the game cube, where they plan to take all their meals and snacks, which I'm to prepare and serve them with as much creativity and passion as I can muster, then I'll be free to straighten up their mess and do my other daily chores, plus turning off every light in every room and closet and bathroom, while they go down to the pool for an afternoon dip in the pool.

Funny, that's not what I had in mind.

My psychotherapist says that kids need to learn that parents are human too.



me said...

I had grown weary of summer at negative 2 days into it. As oldest and neice were already wondering what" we were going to do that day". Because they had no more finals and were BORED. Problem solved, I have started sending the 2 oldest boys to work with dad. yeah (happy dance)

Pollyanna said...

AMEN! My kids last day of school is tomorrow and I am so glad that Chad is still on disablity and will be home with them while I go to work everyday. Because I know by tomorrow at 3:30 the kids will be at each other's throats and I would have been looking for the ice pack and some valium or something. :)