Sunday, December 17, 2006

Our Lady of the Weeds

I'm not sure why Mary looks so glum. Maybe it was that long donkey ride up the isle to the stage. Joseph looks a little shell-shocked too. That's what that first baby will do for you.

I guess they had a little stage fright. It didn't take them long to warm up, but by the time they did, I was busy shooting video and didn't take anymore pictures. She was sooo cute! You can't see her little pink sash and she played with her head covering for most of the program. They sang a lot of cute songs and Chili, they did a handbell song and I teared up a little!

All the classes sang some songs, and they even took the babies on stage (there were three of them) and they had whiskers drawn on their faces. Their teachers danced them around to the Meowing version of Jingle Bells. It was hilarious! I felt like I had died and gone to "Christmas Program Heaven"!


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

The kids are adorable. I have about 25 video tapes of my kids' shows I need to convert to DVD, before my tape player dies for good.

Pollyanna said...

"joseph looks a little shell shocked, the first baby will do that to you!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :) that cracked me up, those kids are tooooo cute lady.

Bonnie B said...

Adorable! I wish my kids had Christmas programs like that! How sweet!

In case I don't swing by this way again (I'm leaving tomorrow for Christmas-- though I might sneak back down the hill) Merry Christmas to you and your adorable family and have a fantasitc New year.

yerdoingitwrong said...

OMG. What a darling picture! I'm with you on the first baby giving you that shell shocked look!!