Monday, December 11, 2006

Kicking His Butt up the Ladder of Success Since 1989

Guess who was named employee of the year?

I know, I can't remember his name either. That's what happens when you go galavanting around the country saving the bacon of Branch Managers everywhere. Implementing ways to save money so that they can line their pockets with a few more hunskies.

Oh, I complain, but I know it's hard on him too. Wondering if the next kid we have is gonna look like the postman. His first reaction to the kindess of our benefactor the other night was to ask if I had my hand on his knee or if I had let him put his hand on mine. But let's be frank, I'm too darned tired to wonder about what the postman's packing or to solicit free sushi.

So without further adieu, "For he's a Jolly good fellow, for he's a Jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good feeeeellooooooow, even though no one remember's his name...."


yerdoingitwrong said...

WOW!!! Good for him! =)

Bonnie B said...


Just remember the postman always knocks twice;) But who has time for that!