Monday, August 11, 2008

In Like Flynn

Three hundred and thirty six items later....

We are still digging ourselves out. I've walked thirty-three point six miles since Thursday. The movers were supposed to arrive between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.. They arrived at about 5:30p.m. At some point during the day, my mom and I gave up the wait and started hauling Honda CR-V size loads of clothes and toiletry items from the dog house. The truck finally arrived and we helped direct traffic for the THREE, count em. three guys they sent to unload the 336 items. They left sometime around 11:00 p.m. In the meantime, Charlie had taken the Suburban to the doghouse and loaded the kids beds and brought them over, because there was NO way we were not sleeping in our new house. So at 11:00 p.m. he and I (mostly he) put together all the kids beds and at sometime around midnight, got the sheets on our own bed and fell in. We haven't slept much since, I'm still not entirely sure what day it is, but we started back to Band Camp today so it must be Monday. I still have a LOT of stuff to bring over from the doghouse and I'm running out of room. I evidently cared alot more about the stuff I packed in those boxes six months ago than I do today. Every time Charlie says "What do you want to do with this?" I keep saying, "OH! Don't show me! Just throw it away, I'll never remember it!"

And as Ty Pennington says, "I guess there's only one thing left to say, Welcome home Dyess family. Welcome home!"

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

Moving is the pitts, but WELCOME HOME is right!!!! woooooo!