Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gross Foot Picture Alert

How I Spent My Thanksgiving

This is me and Charlie on Surgery Day. He's trying to keep it light by taking pictures.

This is me and Charlie much later in the week, when I gave him a lesson about taking pictures from above so that you don't take pictures of your double chins. But I digress.

This is me trying hard not to look at the I.V. that has been inserted into my right hand. Have I mentioned that I hate needles?

Before surgery. Y is for "Yes, this is the correct foot on which to operate." I also have a Y on the back of that thigh for "Yes, this is the correct knee in which to insert the nerve block." and one on the front of my thigh just to make me feel like they've covered all the bases.

This is me catching the Colbert Report post surgery. I really don't remember much about post surgery. Except the part where he came in and I asked him if I had a fused toe or a regular toe and he said "You won't remember this, but the cartalidge was in really good shape so we didn't have to fuse the toe." and because he said I wouldn't remember it, I made a concerted effort to prove him wrong. Because I'm stubborn like that.

Back to the office on Monday where I get to see the foot post-surgery for the first time. Did I mention that you're not allowed to wear any polish for surgery? Otherwise you would not be looking at nasty plain toenails.

If I knew how to work photoshop, I would have turned this into Frankinstein Toe.

Me watching Charlie get ready for the Hootin Nanny (with freshly painted pink toenails). This is an annual Thanksgiving Holiday occurence in which all my in-laws stay up until 4 in the morning drinking moonshine and singing folk songs. Even though I was doped up on pain pills they woke me at 2:30 singing Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline at the top of their lungs, followed closely by Tiny Dancer. Before you get the wrong idea about my inlaws, I'll tell you that my brother may have been involved and he may or may not have been making up dirty lyrics to all the songs.

Ahhh, a belly full of painkillers and turkey and the Cowboys on T.V. A perfectly good end to a perfectly good Thanksgiving Day.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Wow, that's some serious surgery! What exactly was wrong with your foot in the first place? I know I'm supposed to know this but the doctor said I wouldn't remember today.

but Momma said...

I had an osteotomy, which really just means cutting the bone.

They cut the bone behind the metatarsal joint of my big toe. Basically my big toes don't bend backward, which makes for a long day after walking and things. It's due to arthritis or some other OLD AGE MALADY WHICH A 41 YEAR OLD PERSON SHOULDN'T HAVE!

-sorry- didn't mean to get all worked up. :)

Ann(ie) said...

mmmmmmmm. Painkillers and Turkey!! Oh, Happy day!

And um, you look darling in those pictures. I see no duplicate chins. Even while undergoing surgery you look stinkin cute.