Monday, November 19, 2007

Boot Camp takes on a Whole New Meaning...

I had my foot surgery Friday and all went well. I had an osteotomy? instead of having the bones fused together, so my toe and I are both very happy. He won't have to live his life hiding in a sock and I won't have to knit him a sweater. I go to have my dressing changed today, so I'll get to see what it looks like for the first time. Oh don't worry, I'll take pictures to share with the class. Although my camera is broken, I have a new cell phone that has a camera, thanks to my dry cleaner.

Well, my cell phone was a "classic" Nokia and I just keep putting new covers on it to spiff it up. I have gotten teased about it, but the last straw was when I went to the dry cleaners and the lady pointed at my phone, laughed and said "You have old phone!" My trainer said "You should have said "YOUR MOMMA!" but I'm not fast with the wit.

Ya'll need to help me out with some excuses. Although my foot has not been too painful, I hope to procure at least one more refill of whatever he gave me for the pain. It's good stuff! I'm hoping to catch up with all your blogs this week while I'm recuperating. That is, if I'm not too busy doing my drugs. Getting waited on hand over foot doesn't stink either!

Much Love.....and Happy Turkey Day...


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Ow, that sounds painful! But I'm glad your surgery went well. Hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Ann(ie) said...

owie. Glad you're on the road to recovery, girlie. That phone story cracks me up. I'm never good with a comeback immediately either, but I'll be using 'your momma' as my default from here on out!! Hope your turkey day was fabulous filled with much gravy and pie. =)