Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Definition of Taking it Hard

So to recap...

Peach went to Kindergarten on Monday and I cried.

Tuesday, she decided she wanted to be like the big kids and have a tray for lunch, so we went to the cafeteria early to buy a lunch ticket. The cafeteria is where all the kids gather before the first bell rings. One of the "helpers" wouldn't let me buy the ticket but insisted I put a check in her backpack and the teacher would take care of it. So I had to squat down and try to explain this new thing she had to remember in order to get her lunch and as she listened to me and looked around the cafeteria at the throng of kids, her eyes glazed over and she zoned out. When I got home, I cried.

She came home in a great mood on Tuesday and thought she was such a big girl for having her lunch on a tray. So on Wednesday, I dropped her off at her room and it was ALL good, and then I went to the psychologist, and I cried.

Thursday, I thought I was gonna be totally in the clear, because if it hadn't been for Dr. Scott, Wednesday would have been a tear free day. Drop off was just fine. Short Shanks and I hit the gym (my gym partner really IS a monkey) and afterward we headed to Target to spend his $20 in birthday money that was burning a hole in my pocket. We got a couple of toys and a new pair of gym shorts for me, as this is evidently going to be my morning uniform. We topped it off with some popcorn and cokes and headed home. On the drive home, I realized I don't make enough money to shop my way out of the fact that I just put my baby girl in Kindergarten, and I cried.

Friday, we're in the home stretch. We're having all our friends over after school, everyone's in a great mood. I've got my appointment with my trainer at 11:00 and lunch with a friend at 12:00 and as Ace and I walked back to the house we stopped to talk to my neighbor Chase and she asked how it was going and I opend my mouth, and cried.


Ann(ie) said...

Oh sweetie. What a week!! Can I have you on speed dial when I have to drop Ben off at kindergarten?

but Momma said...


Anonymous said...

OK, I feel like a horrible mother becasue I did not cry when I took Erica aand Ethan to their first days of Kindergarten. It was close, but I refrained. I think it was becasue they'd been at daycare 5 days a week for so long that is was not such a big change. Now, this year when I walked them in on the first day, Erica in 4th and Ethan in 1st, I will say I had to strain to hold back tears. The thought of Erica being 9 1/2 just blew my mind and realizing that Ethan will be 7 in just 2 short months was like a kick in the stomach! Where has the time gone? They have both gown like a foot in the past year (which is such a good thing 'cause God knows they need to be taller than me a 5'2"!), but they seem so BIG. I held my 8 month old nephew yesterday and again realized how time passes. Enjoy them while they're young and never wish for them to grow because before you know it another week, month or year will have passed and you will wonder where the time went.
You will get through this year...but soon it will be time for Ace. You'll need some reinforcements with you at home then!

but Momma said...

Oh Jen! It goes so fast! I'm having a smallish breakdown knowing how close I am to not having a baby in the house!

But I have to grow up someday right? Man, growing up sucks!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Awwwwwww... It will get better. I think. LOL. (((hugs)))

Pollyanna said...

Oh, poor thing! I got teary eyed but didn't actually cry when both the kids started school. Maybe that means I am a bad Mommmy???? I hope you feel better soon.