Monday, August 27, 2007

And the Oscar GOES TO.....


for Best Portrayal of a Happy Mother Dropping off a Kindergartner. It started out in the Comedy/Musical category, but as soon as I exited the building it became a Drama. I might have scared some children on their way in, but I hold it against their Rule Breaking Mommas who were taking them IN what was clearly the EXIT. For her part, Peach held it together. She looked like she might have wanted to cry, but it might have just been allergies. I haven't slept in over a week. Last night she came in and got in bed at midnight, I woke up sometime in the three o'clock hour and I quit pretending and got out of bed at 6:00.

We went to "Meet the teacher" Friday and it was a MADHOUSE! Kids, Moms, Dads, Sibs, teachers, tables, pens, paperwork, then the tour of the facilities, "This is this, and that is that...", then the putting away of the school supplies, saying hello to the teacher, saying hello to the hour later we were home and I was catching my breath and realizing I had a whole handful of papers I had not turned in per the instructions. I'm off to my usual stellar performance for Mother of the Year.

Over the weekend she would ask questions or make statements totally out of the blue, like "I didn't notice very many toys in Mrs. Pinecone's room." (She thinks the teacher's name sounds very fancy because they call the teachers by their more formal last name, instead of Miss First Name like they did at Mother's Day Out, which made her laugh and say 'It's like Mrs. Broccoli or Mrs. Pinecone!') And then she said "Do we go on field trips?" Which is a no. She said "But Melee' went on a field trip." and I said "Yes, you have one field trip in the fourth grade." Then this morning she said "Daddy said they had centers, but I didn't see any centers." Because "centers" at Mother's Day Out is toys and playing, but "centers" in Kindergarten is Reading, Math, Computers and Oh yeah, Arts and Crafts. Needless to say I felt like I left my baby to the wolves this morning.

Short Shanks and I are rattling around the house, every hour or so he comes up to me and says "Where's Peach?", my stomach seizes up, I explain again and we start all over.

Melee' and Zoe both got great teachers this year and since they're in fifth grade, they're the big kids on campus, as is John who got on the bus as an eight grader today. As he and the neighbors went out to the bus I said "You guys be benevolent rulers." They all looked at me like I was an alien so I said "Be nice to the little kids on the bus!" Then I got the "Whatever" eye-roll and sideways grin.

Three down, one more to go. So, when does this get easier?


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Actually, unless your kids don't like doing their homework (like mine), it's pretty easy once the youngest one gets to middle school.

Love your sendoff about being benevolent rulers. Made sense to me ;-)

Anonymous said...

Three down, huh? I'm just trying to get one of my two pottytrained over here. OY OY OY!!