Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just to say I'm Alive...

I've been MIA. We're three weeks in to the new school year and I still don't have the hang of it, plus I've been sick for about a week and a half. I now have six pack abs from coughing my guts out. Blech!

Ace started "school" a little over a week ago and he loves it! He sings in the morning when it's his "school day". Sometimes he wears his Spongebob backpack on our way to the elementary school even though his doesn't start till 9:30. Wouldn't it be nice if the one in eighth grade loved school that much? If wishes were horses...

Bonnie is still loving Kindergarten and I only cry occasionally, like when she tries to walk with the big girls to school and doesn't want to walk with me, and then the big girls run ahead and leave her behind and I don't know if I'm crying for me or her. I haven't had many free days to ponder the fact that I'm on my own for 5 hours, three days a week, it's probably safer that way.
I start my gig as a volunteer for Kindergarten Centers today. Eye roll. Not only do I resent Kindergarten for taking my baby girl, now I've got to go work the gig. Wish me luck, I have it on good authority that Ty is a bad boy and that Colby is a burper.


Musings of a Housewife said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick. Is it possible to catch something over the Internet? I'm coming down with something. Ugh. Sounds like you're all getting settled into the swing of things. Yay fall! :-)

Ann(ie) said...

I've been suspecting that about Ty and Colby! Watch your back.

Pollyanna said...

Oh Lawd. I have had the SAME virsus I think. I sound like I have been smoking for years now. UGH. And good luck at the kindergarten centers.