Friday, August 17, 2007

Tales of Camping. Light.

On the first day Peach said,

"Isn't this great Momma! No chores! No Dishes! No laundry!"

Amen sister. Except for the part where I'll have 14 loads of laundry to do when we pull up into the driveway, and after I've soaked everything in Oxyclean for 24 hours. And contrary to popular belief I can not feed the four of you Marshmallows toasted on coat hangers for every meal for the next three days. But other than that... Pure Bliss baby!

One morning while helping Ace put his pants on he said,

"A one, a two, a skiddley-diddley-doo!"

And that's how I hope to put on my pants for the rest of my life.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Technically, you can feed your kids marshmallows toasted on hangers for every meal, but you're just an evil mommy who hates her kids and forces them to eat healthy food instead. See how you are?

Anonymous said...

As my pants size keeps shrinking, I too think I will say "a one, a two, a skiddley-diddley-doo" each time I put on my pants" Missed you while you where were gone!

but Momma said...


Shrinking of my pants has come to a temporary halt due to "summer vacation".

A skiddly-diddly-doom!

Ann(ie) said...

That will be used when pulling on my pants from now on. Need something fun to sing while I'm laying on the bed trying to zip em up!!

Pollyanna said...

Where does this kid come up with this stuff? It's priceless. You will have to do an i-tune for us and record him saying all this cute stuff with his Texan drawl.