Monday, May 21, 2007

Four More Days Till SCHOOL'S OUT!

First of all, whoever wrote The Twelve Bugs of Christmas, needs a good, swift, kick in the ass. I wish I knew David A. Carter so that I could just walk right up to him in the middle of May and just put my boot right in his butt. I've been upstairs for the last ten minutes singing, "On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 12 yuletide bugs a-yodeling, 11 Nimble Bugs a nibbling, 1o Festive bugs a flying...." I could have jumped right out the second story window. Because you see, when someone discovers a book that they like (and usually one that you don't) they want you to read it everyday over and over and over...


Sorry, just needed to vent. I'm sitting here with my hair color on my head so I have approximately 25 minutes to fill you in since Mother's Day. I'm going with Light Ash Brown today with the highlight kit. I usually go Dark Ash Blond, but the other day John said, "Why is the hair on the top of your head black and silver?" and I said, "Because that's my real hair color." and he said "Oh! (pregnant pause) Well, it's just that it looked really shiny next to the orange color."
Man, do I have a lot of work to do before that kid starts dating. *sigh*
SO, I decided to shoot for a color a little closer to my original one and hopefully not something out of a four pack of Crayola Crayons.

It feels like I haven't written in F-O-R-E-V-E-R! Time flies when you're flunking the seventh grade. No, he's not really flunking, it just always feels like it. Actually he got a perfect score on his reading TAKS test and I was able to get him back into Honors English and Social Studies for next year. He's very excited and I'm happy for him. It's only taken me four short years to swallow the fact that this just isn't going to get any easier. The counselor told me the other day not to worry because if he doesn't grow out of it, they have colleges that specialize in helping kids with this attention deficit. "COLLEGE! YOU MEAN HE MIGHT NOT GET ANY BETTER ALL THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL AND THEN I HAVE TO LOOK FOR SPECIAL COLLEGES!" And that little piece of advice only cost me a hundred dollars. Can you imagine what the tuition for one of these special colleges runs?

I hit a big milestone last week. I've lost 29 lbs. and am finally back under 200 lbs. And yes, it turns out I took a little artistic liberty with the cartoon version of myself here on the blog. Of course, that's what I thought I looked like, till I met that fat chic in the mirror up at the gym. Luckily I'm starting to feel like my old self and the next goal is 175. Continuing to get up at 4:15 every morning and sticking to my diet should be a piece of cake in the summer time, right?


Well, I've gotta go "Wash that grey right outta my hair...."


Ashley Lasbury said...

One of the most liberating things I ever did was to throw away the hair dye, cut my long hair off and let it grow in it's natural color. O.K., I was not totally expecting my original auburn but was a little freaked out by the WHITE. Thank God my eyebrows are still auburn. And I still have freckles which makes me look like a 17 year old under 80 year old hair. (I choose to delude myself.)

Congrats on the 25 pounds! I have lost almost 20 but now my jeans are falling off my butt and I don't have the money to buy new ones. I am forever hiking up my pants.

I can remember us blogging about the start of summer vacation last year!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

It seems we all have our struggles. I have kids who can't seem to get their grades out of the gutter myself.

Good job on the weight loss. Keep at it!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl - congrats on the 29 pounds! You were my motivation to get back to the gym and I am at 15 pounds now - just below that 200 mark myself.

Now about that 4:15 AM - ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I wish you the best this summer and hope you are able to keep at it. Don't lose the momentum you've got going!

but Momma said...

Jen -

I love you man! I seriously needed that this morning! Congrats to you, WOOHOO!
4:15 is a little nuts, but there's usually a nap involved. :)

Pollyanna said...

HOLY CRAP! 29 lbs is a lot! WOW. and 4:15 AM? You are a crazy crazy one! :) But good job. I am planning on staying fat forever, just so you know. You just get skinny for the both of us, how does that sound?

I know what you mean about the hair color. I will never ever go white, I don't think. It would make me look like my Mom and although I love her I don't want to look like her. I just colored my hair a few weeks ago and it turned out a little darker than normal. I feel like Mortica from the Adam's Family! :) It is lightening up though.

Oh and I can't believe that your kids are out of school already, that's crazy. Our kids get out on June 8.

yerdoingitwrong said...

GOOD FOR YOU!! 29 lbs? right on, girl! Would you consider flying to Seattle and being my trainer for a week? I need a good ass kickin.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Snorrrrrt. Love the hair comment. And 29 lbs!?!? YOU GO, GIRL!!!