Monday, February 09, 2009

Dropping Like Flies

I went to pick up Ace Friday afternoon and they were handing out notes. Notes warning that the stomach flu was going around.

I should have known better. Should have just brought him home and started the chicken soup I.V. But I didn't. I brought him home, loaded him up on chocolate ice cream and then took him to soccer sign ups.

You see he's been talking about soccer sign ups non-stop since the signs went up in front of the elementary school. Countdown to soccer season had begun. "When is sign up?" "Do we go get my soccer shirt yet?" "When does practice start?" "How many days till sign-ups, now?" "Do I get soccer shoes?" "Can we get me a new soccer ball? I need a new one to practice with." How could I NOT be the first one in line for sign ups? And I was. And so I had created the perfect storm when I dropped him back off with his Dad so that I could run over to the neighbors and pick up my Mary Kay order.

In the four minutes that I was gone, he went straight upstairs to the playroom and hurled everywhere. Charlie was two minutes into cleaning up the aftermath when I got home.

The rest of the weekend....just fine and dandy. Not another bit of trouble.

Until this morning when I went to wake Peach up for school, found Melee' had sleepwalked into her room and climbed in bed with her. I got him up and sent him back to his room to get started getting ready for school. She got up, went to the bathroom and blew chunks. (The writing is now on the wall for Melee'.) So she was home from school today and since I had moved John's dentist appointment up to today at 10:00 I had to scramble the troops and bring in Nana-forcements. By the time Nan arrived to hold down the fort she was up and around and Nan was convinced she was faking it. Off to the High School to take John, an hour and a half later he had a root canal scheduled for Tuesday. (A ROOT CANAL! HE'S FIFTEEN!) Back home, Nana was still convinced Peach was shining on, but after she left, poor Peach never got off the couch. When her Daddy got home, he came in groaning of stomach pain and joined her on the coach. John went to bed complaining his stomach didn't feel good, but he's convinced it was from the fluoride he ingested today.

I've already pulled out the trundle in Peach's room. Everyone that is not me, is now in quarantine.

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