Monday, May 04, 2009


Melee' jumped in the car Thursday and said, "Mom, I've got to tell you something." Usually that's followed by, "I forgot my lunch box." or "I got a 79 on a test today." or something else from the "goodie-two-shoes file". So when he said, "I want to go to the dance tomorrow night. And you can't tell John, but I asked a girl to the dance." you can't imagine my shock and awe. John's in the 9th grade and he still hasn't asked a girl to a dance. This was NOWHERE on my radar.
"Ub-a-dee, uh, um...does that mean we have to pick her up?"
"No Mom. (roll of the eyes) That's like college!"
"I'm not gonna tell you how I asked her, because that's personal."
"Okay, I'll just assume you passed a note during class."
"Well, yeah, but I'm not gonna tell you how I asked."
"That's cool. (Thinking, thinking, processing, processing.....) Is this a "girlfriend" thing?"
"Well, I asked her to go out with me, but she just broke up with a boy and she's not quite over it yet."
(Having a stroke...) "By "going out" do you mean "going steady"?"
"Yes. (More eye rolling) But I don't want you to say anything in front of anybody."
"10 - 4."

Of course he didn't have anything to wear to a dance, and I had to scramble Friday to find him something. Does he need a wallet? Does he pay for her to get in the dance? Should he spring for a soda and a candy bar?

I may as well have asked a girl to the dance.

He was way less nervous than I was. He gets points for bravery, cuteness and just being a very good boy. Oh, and if this could just stay between you and me, he'd like to keep this on the D.L.

1 comment:

Jennifer P said...

OMG - he is a cutie! That's one lucky girl.