Monday, May 25, 2009

Elmo the Elephant

Ace's "graduation" program was Friday night.

About a week ago, I was told (by way of a paper, stuck somewhere in the depths of his backpack) that Ace had chosen "Elmo the Elephant" as the character he wanted to be for the program. Which meant I had to create a costume for Elmo. You know, the note said "using stuff you have around the house", "be creative" it said. An elephant. In May. As opposed to October. And because it was stuffed in to the bottom of his backpack. It didn't get the attention it deserved until the Monday before the costume was due. But not to worry, I AM creative. So around the house I went and the costume was created.

What I am is Creative.
What I am not is technically gifted.

So in the following video of Elmo the Elephant, you will see his costume disolve before your very eyes. I stayed in the room with him as long as I could, in the 30 seconds after I put on his nose, but before I walked out the door, a kid came up, grabbed the nose and "snap" went the elastic. I had already been to the office once to restaple the elastic after Ace pulled it the first time. By the third time I had to tie the elastic to the inner "skeleton" if you will, of the nose. Therefore, the skeleton was starting to become exposed as he walked to the stage....that's where we start....

He walked in with a crooked nose AND he had lost an ear! Teacher picked it up and brought it to him. Charlie said, "How did you attach those?" and I said "Duct tape." We laughed through the entire program.

As soon as I saw the Tiger I was like "DOH! ZOOPALS!!"

Then for his legs. He was wearing a too short pair of sweats, so I took some sweats that one of the big boys had outgrown and I cut the legs off at the knee, then I turned them upside down and glued elephant toenails on the bottom and he put them on like legwarmers. What I SHOULD have done, was go the extra step and actually sew them on! But noooo....and as he squirmed on stage, he kept resting one foot on the side of his other leg so that halfway through, he had rubbed one leg all the way off. Then he sat down on the floor to fix it and set down his ears and took off his nose. The elastic that was holding on his nose came down from above the ear on one side and kept sliding down the side of his neck so that he looked like he was eating the nose.

"Elmo the Elephant was Excited,
He called all his friends to come.
He was having an Easter party,
Hiding Eggs and Eating some.

Elks were dancing Elbow to Elbow,
Eskimos came south from Nome,
They Enjoyed the Elegant party,
Excused themselves and went back home."

Wheeew. good times.


Droopy said...

That's funny right there. I can't syop laughing!

Ann(ie) said...

I seriously wish you were my next door neighbor. I have a feeling we'd laugh until we'd pee a little!!! And that little dude looks so cuuuuute!

but Momma said...

I can't stop laughing either!

Annie, I seriously wish you were my neighbor too! My arse is also motivated at the mere mention of ice cream. :)