Monday, October 11, 2010

Cue the Deliverance Music

We live in a fairly rural area, so when the birthday party that was supposed to be at the local park, had to be moved due to rain, the Mom called me and gave me directions to the house. You know when you're jotting down directions, and you're usually one sentence behind what the person is actually saying?

This is what I wrote down as she was speaking...

My brain started to slow down when she said something about an orange and purple fence, but it came to a complete halt when she said the word "goat". So as Charlie was driving down this god-forsaken, pot-holed, one lane country road, I was trying to navigate, it started to get a little tense as we kept going further and further and couldn't find what we were looking for.

I said, "I don't know, she said something about a purple and orange fence, we can't miss a PURPLE AND ORANGE FENCE CAN WE? ACROSS FROM A TWO STORY HOUSE? And evidently they have a goat."

"What kind of boat?" he asked.

"Not a boat, A GOAT." I whispered, as I showed him the note.

You could hear the hysterical laughter for miles.

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