Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm getting on the record first.

This is what happened.

After he got through fighting with his sister, he breezed through, on his way to the bathroom, where I knew he would be spending the next half hour, so I said,

"Tell me everything I need to know about "Oklahoma!"."

He stalks back in my direction and says,


"Tell me everything I need to know about "Oklahoma!" this week."


"Like, what time is the show? Tuesday? Thursday? How much are tickets? Where do I get them? We'd like to come to at least one of the shows."

"I don't know. Like seven or something. I don't know how much the tickets are. You have to get them from somebody in Drama or Choir."

"Do we know anybody in Drama or Choir?"


"You don't know anybody in Drama or Choir?"

"Well, Amanda and Jodi."

"Don't you have Jodi's number?"

"Well, yea."

So then he stalks off in the direction he started.

Cut to 5:00. I get up from watching Oprah to continue my laundry efforts. Some disturbing thing starts in on the news, so as he sits down on the couch I have him change it to some cartoon instead. After folding a load, delivering said load, putting a load in the dryer, another load into the washer I decide I can't take another moment of being in my sweaty black workout gear from this morning. I go to my room pick out some shorts and sundries and head for the shower. I step in the shower, get wet, reach out and put some soap in my hand, transfer the soap onto my wet head when someone pounds on the bathroom door. (Startling but never unexpected.)


"AAHH FLAA WAA TA FLAA 5:30!" (commence furious rinsing of the hair.)




You know what he said, don't you? "I need to leave for practice at 5:30"
You know what practice, don't you? "Oklahoma!" practice.

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