Monday, October 05, 2009

Handy Charlie

The projects roll on...
My Mom got a new countertop in her kitchen and we talked her in to letting us do the backsplash ourselves. Charlie dove right in. This one was MUCH easier than the one we did for our backsplash in Houston. The tiles were 2 x 2 tiles on a mesh 1 ft square, very little cutting and it was a really good fit. I'm sorry honey, I mean...Charlie used his awesome skills. Geometry skills, sawing skills, troweling skills, measuring skills, artistic skills.... and here is the beautiful result....

Well, it gets more beautiful down at the bottom...

I know Mom was really nervous because she has the perfection gene, which did not carry down to me. I limited my participation accordingly...

I did some of this corner...

Ta- Da! after grouting. The counter is really nice solid surface. It's not as speckled looking as it appears in this pic...

He had to go back and work on the plugs. And I'm not sure if the undercounter lights have been put back up yet.

But it looks GOOD, if we do say so ourselves....

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