Friday, December 12, 2008

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

It's 9:00 and I'm already in bed. What sent me so early? Well, besides the fact that I feel chronically sleep deprived, the fire in the fireplace tonight, has filled the front of the house with that campfire smell I so love, and Charlie is watching a rerun of a Dallas Cowboy's football game from the 80's. You got to give the NFL credit for dreaming up their own network. And in direct contrast, Oxygen (Oprah's Network) has reruns of Tyra Banks, Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, and Bad Girls Club. WHAT THE HELL OPRAH?!

Mom and I made a trek into "The Big City" today and you'd think we'd never been to town before.
"OH! While we're here, let's go to Sam's!"
"Okay, and OH! we could stop by Tuesday Morning!"
"OOO that's on the way to Target isn't it?!"
"But Macy's is having a BIG sale today!"

We barely got past Sam's, and we didn't even do the food side of Sam's. Nope, not one food sample eaten. We're definitely going back next week. Oh, and did I get any Christmas shopping done? Just a little. Christmas is so hard. "One for for for him...two for for her....oh and I've got to have one of those..." Merry Christmas to me. I got a new pair of slippers, a new blanket for the bed and a pair of Cuddle Duds long underwear. Did I mention I've kept the thermostat at 67 degrees and I'm freezing my ass off? The best part of the trip is my Mom cussing at other drivers. I laughed so hard, it was a good thing I wasn't the one driving. There is nothing funnier than your sixty-something year old mom, threatening to flip the bird out both windows simultaneously, while trying to maintain her preferred lane. We were only 5 minutes late picking up Ace from Mother's Day Out.

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