Sunday, February 24, 2008

I smell change in the air ...

What's that I see on the horizon?

Is it?

Could it be?


Ladies and Gentlemen, work may NOW COMMENCE! The facilites have arrived!

This is a view from the very back corner of our lot. Great view huh?

Last week we were waiting on the soils report to come in. Charlie is having his company engineer the slab. We finally got the report and then the engineer at Charlie's company called him and said that he couldn't tell if the Geo tech was using the 1996 protocol or the 2000 protocol and depending on whether .........

What I heard was "Bill doesn't like the soils report and doesn't want to do it."

That was about the time steam started shooting out my ears. I don't know if you can make this long story short, but luckily Charlie knows a "guy". And by Friday evening we had a drawing of an engineered slab.

Then "Voila!" Saturday morning, Port-A-Potty!


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Hey, first things first!

Great symbolism... I love it.

Musings of a Housewife said...

LOL!! good news!

Ann(ie) said...


You're on your way!!!!!

Put this as the 1st pic in the scrapbook!!! ;)